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Sometimes a father must fight for his parenting rights

Sometimes a father must fight for his parenting rights

 Posted on February 27, 2017 in Child Custody

So often, men work to keep up a brave front, even when they are hurting deeply. And when a marriage comes to an end, a man may carry more remorse and guilt than he will ever reveal. This can be especially true for fathers who believe they might have contributed to the unhappiness that befell the family during the latter days of the marriage.

But while struggling with the emotions that are a natural part of a divorce, it is important for a father to maintain his objectivity and be honest about what he really wants with regard to visitation and child custody.

Unfortunately, children are far too often used as leverage against a man in a divorce. Sometimes an ex is so angry that she may fight any attempt on a father's behalf to get advantageous custody terms. There may even be accusations of neglect or other types of bad behavior designed to convince a judge that the man is an unfit parent.

In such circumstances, a man may become too discouraged to battle for the right to have a fair amount of access to his child. And if this is your situation, you should be aware that you don't have to deal with the issue on your own.

Attorney Terry Fawell understands the plight of fathers who want the opportunity to build and maintain a healthy relationship with their children. There are possible methods that can be employed to help resolve a custody dispute, such as mediation.

Mr. Fawell and the other legal professionals at Fawell & Fawell are prepared to assist you in your quest for fair parenting rights. You can read more about the firm's services and find contact information on the pages of this website.

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