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Financial Burdens in a Divorce

 Posted on March 11, 2025 in Alimony

Wheaton, IL divorce attorneyThere is no denying that divorce can be expensive even at the best of times. In addition to the legal fees, you may end up making long-term payments because of a court order. Before filing for divorce, you should know what to expect and be ready to advocate for your right to financial stability. An Illinois family law attorney can help you plan for possible financial burdens while advocating for your best interests.

At Fawell & Fawell, we take the time to understand the needs and goals of our clients during a divorce. We will argue for a fair settlement or verdict that does not leave you in an unfair financial situation so that you can smoothly transition out of your marriage.

Child Support

If you and your spouse are separating with a minor child, you will still be financially responsible for the child whether the child lives with you or your ex. Child support is typically awarded to the spouse with the majority of parenting time, and it covers necessary expenses like housing, food, and clothing.

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What Constitutes Non-Physical Domestic Violence?

 Posted on February 25, 2025 in Domestic Violence

DuPage County, IL domestic violence attorneyDomestic violence is not always obvious and it can take different forms other than physical abuse. Many people trapped in abusive situations do not realize that they are experiencing domestic violence. Others may feel pressured into silence out of fear of retaliation. If you or somebody you love has been subject to domestic violence, an Illinois family law attorney can provide you with legal advice and representation.

At Fawell & Fawell, we know how sensitive issues of domestic violence can be. We can provide you with private counsel and help you file a protective order against your abuser if necessary. By getting legal protection, you can start protecting yourself and other members of your household from violence, threats, and harassment.


Under Illinois law, harassment is defined as unnecessary conduct that would reasonably cause another person distress. Examples of harassment include:

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What Does Equitable Division Mean in Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on February 12, 2025 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL property division lawyerIf you and your spouse cannot reach a divorce settlement outside of court, a judge will divide your assets equitably. This process of asset division is full of unknowns, and the court’s interpretation of "fair" may not always line up with what you want. An Illinois divorce attorney can protect your best interests during litigation, advocating for a favorable split of assets.

At Fawell & Fawell, we are ready to represent you in property disputes. Our firm has served clients in issues of family law for over forty years, giving us deep insights into divorce proceedings. When you work with us, you will receive honest, straightforward legal assistance to help you through your divorce.

"Equitable" Does Not Always Mean Equal

When the courts decide how to split up your marital estate, they will not just split it down the middle and give half to each spouse. Instead, they handle each case on an individual basis, taking into account what is most fair. Since Illinois is a no-fault state, neither spouse will be entitled to more or less property due to the collapse of the marriage.

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Responsible Parenting Tips During a Divorce

 Posted on January 24, 2025 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerA parent going through a divorce has to manage a delicate balancing act. Prioritizing one’s own wants and needs during negotiations is natural, but when children are involved, a parent has a duty to do what is right for the child. If you are looking for guidance and representation in a divorce with children, a DuPage County, IL family law attorney can be your best advocate.

At Fawell & Fawell, your family is our priority. We have handled hundreds of divorces, providing care and attention when our clients need it most. No matter how complex or fraught your divorce is, we can give you sound legal guidance every step of the way.

Attend Mediation

Even if things are bitter between you and your spouse, you may have to remain on at least speaking terms to work together as co-parents. During your divorce, you can choose to attend mediation of your own volition, but in many cases, a judge will enforce it. 

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How Infidelity Affects Illinois Divorces

 Posted on January 09, 2025 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL divorce attorneyIt goes without saying that infidelity can be devastating, coming as a huge shock from a person you may have once loved. The discovery that your spouse is cheating on you may be a major factor, if not the main reason, for initiating a divorce
Naturally, you may have questions about how your spouse’s infidelity could affect your divorce. A Wheaton, IL divorce lawyer at Fawell & Fawell can keep you in the loop about what Illinois’ no-fault laws mean for the dissolution of your marriage, and what you can expect during the proceedings of your divorce. We will protect your best interests during this emotionally fraught time, easing your transition out of your marriage.

Asset Division

Most couples negotiate a divorce settlement out of court, with the help of a mediator when necessary. When a divorce does go to court in Illinois, a judge’s final ruling on asset division will be based on the principles of fair and equitable distribution. Because Illinois does not recognize fault-based grounds for divorce, your spouse’s infidelity will not be penalized in how property is allocated with the exception of asset dissipation. This may come as a disappointment, but with the advocacy of a skilled attorney, you can negotiate for a favorable settlement in front of a judge.

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Can I Appeal for Plenary Guardianship of a Minor in Illinois?

 Posted on December 30, 2024 in Family Law

DuPage County, IL guardianship lawyerWhen you recognize that a parent can no longer provide adequate care for a child, you might need to intervene and take on the incredible responsibility of assuming guardianship of the child. If you are considering seeking plenary guardianship of a minor – a permanent, long-term arrangement – you should be aware of any potential obstacles to your claim. 

A Wheaton, IL family law attorney can guide you through the process of petitioning for guardianship, helping to build a solid foundation for your case. At Fawell & Fawell, our family law attorney does not shy away from complex, emotionally fraught cases. We come prepared with a wealth of legal knowledge and experience to advocate for the best outcome in court.

Preliminary Requirements for Plenary Guardianship

To be considered for plenary guardianship, you must meet certain criteria. According to the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission, you must be 18 or older with no serious criminal convictions on your record, and of sound mind. In this case, "sound mind" means that you have the mental capacity and reasoning to make important decisions on your own behalf. Notably, you do not have to be related to a child to apply for guardianship.

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Three Things to Consider in a High Asset Divorce

 Posted on December 13, 2024 in High Asset Divorce

Wheaton. IL high asset divorce lawyerDivorce is complicated enough, but a couple with a high net worth may run into even more issues during the dissolution of a marriage. Dividing up shared property and wealth in a high-asset divorce can be extremely complex, requiring a thorough appraisal of all marital property. If you are going through a high-asset divorce, an attorney can represent you inside and outside of court, making sure that your financial interests are protected. In cases of high-asset divorce, the experienced DuPage County family law attorney at Fawell & Fawell is prepared to give you his full attention to help ensure a clean separation.

Shared Businesses

A shared business in a marriage can be profitable. However, the turmoil of a high-asset divorce can threaten to interrupt regular operations, especially when dealing with problems of ownership. If you started a business prior to a marriage, it may be considered a non-marital asset and therefore not subject to division. However, if your spouse contributed to the business during the marriage, the courts may consider any gain to the value of the business to be a marital asset. As such, you will have to reach an equitable compromise with your spouse, whether that means buying out his or her interests, selling the business itself, or continuing to maintain joint ownership.

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Is Relocation Possible with Shared Custody?

 Posted on November 22, 2024 in Child Custody

Wheaton, IL Family Law AttorneyIn certain jobs and industries, relocation is an exciting opportunity for career development. However, when a parent is offered relocation, he or she must think long and hard about whether that is the right move for the family. This decision can become much more complicated for a parent who is divorced or separated from the child’s other parent.

Illinois has specific rules about when and how a parent can relocate. If you want to understand the implications of parental relocation in a shared custody arrangement, speak with an experienced Wheaton, IL family law attorney to learn more.

What Is Parental Relocation?

Parental relocation is when a parent wants to move somewhere far enough away from where he or she currently lives that the parent needs to get court approval. This could mean moving to another city, county, or even another state. Relocation can be a complicated issue to navigate when parents are not married but share custody.

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5 Tips for Drafting a Valid Prenup

 Posted on November 11, 2024 in Prenuptial Agreement

Wheaton, IL Family Law AttorneyWhile many people are familiar with the idea of a prenuptial agreement, there is some confusion about what it needs to include and what makes it valid. If you and your future spouse have decided to create a prenuptial agreement to give you peace of mind in the case of a hypothetical divorce, it is important to discuss this decision with a lawyer. Our experienced Wheaton, IL family law attorney can guide you through the process of drafting a prenuptial agreement.

Tip 1: Full Disclosure of Liabilities and Assets

One of the most important aspects of a valid prenup is full disclosure of all assets, debts, and financial interests. Both spouses need to fully disclose any property, income, bank accounts, retirement funds, debts, and any other financial interests before a prenup is signed. If it is later discovered that someone hid or misrepresented their financial situation, the prenup may be invalidated.

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How Should Our Family Navigate the Holidays After Divorce?

 Posted on October 23, 2024 in Divorce

Wheaton, IL Divorce LawyerAs the seasons begin to change and the holiday season approaches, many parents who share custody of their children wonder if there is a better way for them to handle this festive time. Some parents have a simple division of time with their children, switching off every other week. When holidays fall on a day that is not scheduled for you to be with your children, it can seem random and unfair. It is possible to find creative solutions if everyone is willing to work together and think outside of the box. If you need helpful suggestions for how your family can have happy holiday memories after divorce, speak with an experienced Wheaton, IL family law attorney.

Can Divorced Parents Alternate the Holidays?

One possibility that parents commonly use after a divorce is alternating holidays. They can create a list of important holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, and Easter. Then, each parent takes turns having the children for these holidays. Parents can also alternate the schedule each year. For instance, one year the mother might have the children on Thanksgiving and New Year’s, while the father has them for Christmas and Easter, and then they switch the following year. This way, over time, both parents can enjoy making holiday memories with their children.

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