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August is Child Support Awareness Month in Illinois

 Posted on August 27,2024 in Child Support

IL family lawyerIllinois has been celebrating Child Support Awareness this month by highlighting some new initiatives that are improving the state’s child support system. With so many parents and children affected by child support, it seemed prudent to give the topic some special attention and increase awareness of various improvements being carried out. By focusing on improved support, access, education, and enforcement, the state hopes to help as many Illinoisans as possible navigate the child support process smoothly. If you have questions, speak with a skilled Wheaton, IL family law attorney to hear how these new initiatives might help you.

What New Child Support Initiatives Has Illinois Introduced?

Some of the new child support initiatives that Illinois has recently launched include:

  • More equitable calculations:  Illinois has moved to an income shares model to make child support payments more equitable. This new model takes income, parenting time, and other factors into consideration when calculating child support amounts.
  • Increased support for low-income families: The state has introduced new programs aimed at helping parents in low-income households meet their obligations for child support payments. Financial counseling and other resources are being offered to help parents find jobs with better salaries and manage their finances effectively.
  • Accessible services: Illinois has also launched a new online portal dedicated to helping parents keep track of their child support payments. By making it easier to check payment history, update personal information, and transfer payments online, the entire process becomes more manageable.
  • Upgraded educational workshops: Seminars and workshops throughout the state will provide information about the child support system and how to navigate it. Sessions will be open to both payers and recipients of child support to increase the general public’s knowledge.
  • Effective enforcement: Illinois is also adopting more effective enforcement measures to ensure the timely payment of child support to parents who need it. These measures include improved payment tracking and better methods for addressing missed payments. 

Schedule a Free Consultation with a DuPage County, IL Child Support Lawyer

Child Support Awareness Month is a great opportunity to put the spotlight on how important child support is and how necessary it is to have an efficient system to manage it. So many Illinois families are helped by the child support system, and while it can sometimes be challenging to navigate, many efforts are being made to improve it. More equitable calculations, increased support for low-income families, accessible services, upgraded educational workshops, and more effective enforcement are some of the ways Illinois is focusing on getting children the resources they deserve. If you are having a hard time navigating child support, call Fawell & Fawell at 630-871-2400 to schedule a free consultation with a qualified Wheaton, IL family law attorney.

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