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Abused children can heal with effective parenting techniques

 Posted on March 19, 2018 in Child Support

In situations where families are coping with abuse or the effects of having been involved in an abusive relationship in Illinois, it can take time and commitment to overcome the trauma that is often a result of someone having been mistreated. For children particularly, this process requires adults to intervene in healthy ways and in a timely manner to allow children to recover from negative circumstances and overcome insecurities and fears before they become debilitating.

According to, children can heal from abuse by developing resilience and learning new, healthy habits. Some of the things that adults should pay the most attention to include the following:

  • They should encourage their children to feel emotions, process them and understand how to cope with strong feelings in ways that are healthy, safe and effective.
  • They should teach their children about important behaviors and how those behaviors can create security and self-confidence. For example, they should encourage children to get enough rest and eat healthy foods, as well as avoid dangers such as smoking, drinking and promiscuity.
  • They should be consistent in providing for their children to help their children build trust and dependable relationships.
  • They should help their children create strong connections with individuals who will provide support, encouragement and love.

In some scenarios, someone who has had children with an abuser, may still be faced with situations in which he or she are co-parenting their children with that person. According to, parents in these types of situations where courts still require visitation for the accused abuser, it is imperative that parents understand that discussing the allegations with their children is often necessary to help children understand why the relationship is the way it is.

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